Our tartan and our Crest

The name "tartan" describes the way in which coloured threads are woven to create the characteristic woolen "kilts".

Blocks of colours are repeated vertically and horizontally to form a pattern of squares and lines called the "sett".

A "kilt" is composed of a fabric in "tartan" and a pattern, the "sett".

The oldest "tartan" found was in Falkirk and dates from the 3rd century AD. Known as the "sett of Falkirk", it is composed of undyed white and brown wool.

The first tartans were probably composed using 2 or 3 vegetable dyes obtained from plants, roots and berries.

The different wool qualities that made up the tartans were directly related to raw materials available near the place of manufacture.

This is how tartan patterns were gradually associated with parts of Scotland, rather than to clans.

The Hay Clan's "sett" is composed of orange and green squares and rectangles interspersed with white and black lines. Thin yellow lines finish the general pattern.